Thursday, May 29, 2008

No matter where or when

Even if we are far away from home
we will still find chance to stay connected

Video taken in Taiwan, Shiling night market 24/05/08

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Out of Action

Will be out of country
from 24/05 to 06/06
What I hope to see in you
when I am back is
1)Better skills
2) Better discipline
3) Better team spirit

To be in the zone finals
We need to win 4 teams at least.
Time is precious
Seize the chance for the June tournament
to polish your skills

Jiamin, it is about your will
for the time you are in court, fight!
no excuse to slow down, give up or let go
Impulsive fouls is banned!

Yuhan, it is about the belief
read the game as if you are the expert
once you are in the red zone area, go for the goal!
imagine, visualise every detail, it helps!

Umi, hold the ball before you starts dribbling.
push yourself further, I have yet to see what you are capable of.

Wenjing, use your energy well by not running and jumping too much.
every move you must have a motive: screen, roll, box out, rebound and etc
Be stronger and firmer! You shouldn't be easily pushed down and get hurt!

Ruijia, use your voice well. It should be stimulating in a calm way.
You need to jump though you are the tallest. Opponents will not give up fighting for the ball, thus JUMP!

Huiyi, keep your cool and make sure your defence last more than 3 secs.
I want to see the fire in your eyes to give your best!

Jiaying, visualise what you need to do before every training.
The power to focus internally and externally is equally important.
You are able to dribble faster and be a smart fighter.

Qiying, always explore any possible means when you are in the zone area.
Injury is not a hiddrance unless you think so . Show your power for underbasket.

Zhixuan, be confident on court. Show no mercy to opponents and play as if you are the fastest, strongest, tallest.

Friday, May 16, 2008

C division Draw

Held at Henderson Secondary School
3 groups of 12 schools
fighting for the 4 seats in the Zone

First round:
Zhonghua(3rd in zone 2007)
Whitley Secondary
St Margaret Secondary

Good Luck to you!, my dear!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Attentional Styles

1)Broad External Assess
-Total awareness of everything that is going on around.
eg)This court is really big and it is a windy day.

2)Narrow External Object Focus
-Attention directed to deal with select information from outside.
eg)Watch the ball pass.

3)Broad Internal Analyse
-Attention directed to deal with a lot of information inside's one own head.
eg)I plan to trap the opponent when she does the baseline pass.

4)Narrow Internal Thought Focus
-Attention directed to deal with select information within.
eg)My lay up is good.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Why after the recess bell rang
I still see my players loitering at the canteen
I still see my players strolling slowly to class
I still see my players playing and giggling as they strolled

Do not tell me that was one of the occassions that you were late
Do not tell me any possible reasons and excuses

Why after so many training
You are still unable to do a simple drill and need reminders
You are still unable to open your mouth and communicate
you are still unable to self managed

At this rate, how much can you learn?
At this rate, what goals can we have?
At this rate, what kind of image you want to portray?

Bonding Day 2008

I heard you all worked well
preparing the food and organising the games
I heard you all had fun
especially the tug-of-war
I heard you all had a great time
for the few hours spent at West Coast
I am happy and glad though I wasn't there to witness this

Friday, May 2, 2008

Play Smart

Average Teams play hard
Good Teams play smart

Excellent strategies are useless
when you cannot read the game
1) Look at the basket and judge how far you are from it.
By doing that, you are assessing the situation, at the same time knowing where your outlet passes can be.
2) Team work is necessary, however when you are at penalty line or nearer to the basket, it is your duty to score. Passing to someone less than 1 metre within red zone is being irresponsible.
3) Communication helps to promote self focus and team spirit. Calling out, using hand signals, eye contact facilitates team play.