Sunday, February 17, 2008



1) Move towards for the ball pass.
Standing and waiting slows down everything.

Once you get the ball.

2) Hold a moment.
You allow teammates to get into position and look out for them.

3) Aim at the basket.
You lure the opponent to move towards you.

4) Fake before you shoot, pass, dribble.
You get opponents off defence.

5) Once you shoot, go for your own rebound.
You will know best where the ball goes to.

6) Once you pass, prepared to get a return pass.
Pass and run; screen and roll.

7) Once you dribble, do it responsibly.
Bouncing once or twice and hold on to the ball only shows your lack of confidence.

* Do more passes.
You save more energy and launch a faster attack.

** Create scoring chances.
You affect opponent's morale.

***Fight for offence rebounds.
You leave no chance to the opponents.

Note the weakness.
Visualise a perfect execution of offence.

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