Thursday, October 30, 2008


The goals that we set for 2009:
Finals in both B and C division for South Zone
Finals in both B and C division for Nationals

Wouldn't it be great if we could achieve all of the above?
It would be another milestone for our team
and a great present for our school!!!

For the sake of our team, for the well being of our school

Get set?

Yolanda's Reflection Journal

Reflection on training on Wednesday, 29th October 2008

Drills: Running 2.4km, Skipping - 300 skips & 50 double skips, Agility Ladder & Hurdles, Ball Handling, Match.
Focus: Improve stamina, to have swift movements, to improve coordination, to better our control of the ball.
When doing 300 skips, I was already exhausted. It got even worse when I started doing the double skips. Doing double skips is not my forte. Therefore, I took a really long time to complete it. However, the cheers from the sec 1s encouraged me to complete the double skips. Later, as we proceeded to the agility ladder and hurdles, I was quite distracted as I was very tired after the skipping. Luckily, I managed to focus in the later part of this drill. Lastly, we played matches against the seniors. Through these matches, I learned the correct way of defending as my previous way of defending was wrong. In Conclusion, although we did not do much drills in this training, but i had benefited a lot from it.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mandy's Reflection Journal

Things we did on 23rd October 2008, Thursday.
Drills: 2.4km run, agility ladder and hurdles, skipping, 10 rounds barefooted on grass, lastly partner stretching.
Focus: Improve stamina, have quick thinking, become more nimble, improve ability to jump higher which is important, improve strength of ankle, in order to avoid muscle aching and to warm down.

Some steps for the agility ladder was hard and puzzling. while trying, i was eventually confused and was stuck not knowing what to do. luckily, the seniors were nice and taught me. hence i was able to get the hang of it. Especially steps that involved whole body and mind coordination, i was lost at those that involved beats. for example, drills like "in... in... out...out". i was not focused enough. Skipping improves jumping ability which is crucial for basketball. Also, it improves my stamina. Then we ran on the grass without wearing shoes, to improve our ankle. So that the chances of getting a sprained ankle was reduced. Lastly, we did partner stretching. Then we ended with a smile as it was another day we all had exercise.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Huifen's Reflection Journal
Reflection of 21st October, Tuesday's training.
Drills: 2.4km, agility ladder & hurdles, 300 skips, 3 sets of 400m sprinting, 1 round crab walk, abs training (e.g. superman), followed by pair stretching.
Focus: Improve stamina, to have swift movement, coordination, movement during defence, strengthen abs to improve balance and stretching to recover faster.
While doing drills on the agility ladder, I stumbled on quite a few as I was a little confused and distracted, but the seniors were very supportive, and constantly reminded me the correct steps, like "in in out out...", which made me feel encouraged and determined to finish the drill well. Although I felt drained and exhausted sprinting the 3 sets of 400m, cheers from the other sec 1s inevitably willed me to carry on. I wasn't very focused during today's training and was sensitive towards every little movement, so I shall pay more attention for the next training. To sum up, I felt that today's training was able improve my stamina and strengthen much of my weak muscles :)
WITH lots & lots of LOVE,


Friday, October 17, 2008

Umi's Reflection Journal:D
My reflection for traning on 16thOctober2008(Thursday)

The drills that we did: 12 rounds, crab walk drill followed by ball handling then a game of monkey.
Focus: Improve on our movement during defence, stamina, ball handling, ball sense-how to expect where the ball is going to be passed and intercept it.
At first, I couldn't get the steps for one of the crab walk drills but B div cheered me on:D and helped me to get the steps right. I think that i was able to know how to intercept the ball with my ball sense but it still have to be improved. In my opinion, I think everyone was able to master and understand all the drills but may get lost at times and their reaction was one second late. But soon everyone was able to do it. YAY! During the training, i think i did focus but was distracted at times. I think that this training will really help in my defence as it improves our basics as well as our ball sense and of course, defence. :D


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Reflection Journal

Do share about

1) What is your high and low of the training?
2) What are the drills? the focus?
3) Are you able to execute it?
4) How long did you take to understand and master it?
5) Did you give your best? Were you distracted?
6) How can it help in the tournament?

Do keep it short and sweet

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Thank you for the effort made
for the Open House 2008
To the Sec 3s
for the planning and organising
To the Sec 2s
for the preparing and helping
To the Sec 1s
for the presenting and involving

Special thanks to Yaoting
for the video
which was very well received