Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Huifen's Reflection Journal
Reflection of 21st October, Tuesday's training.
Drills: 2.4km, agility ladder & hurdles, 300 skips, 3 sets of 400m sprinting, 1 round crab walk, abs training (e.g. superman), followed by pair stretching.
Focus: Improve stamina, to have swift movement, coordination, movement during defence, strengthen abs to improve balance and stretching to recover faster.
While doing drills on the agility ladder, I stumbled on quite a few as I was a little confused and distracted, but the seniors were very supportive, and constantly reminded me the correct steps, like "in in out out...", which made me feel encouraged and determined to finish the drill well. Although I felt drained and exhausted sprinting the 3 sets of 400m, cheers from the other sec 1s inevitably willed me to carry on. I wasn't very focused during today's training and was sensitive towards every little movement, so I shall pay more attention for the next training. To sum up, I felt that today's training was able improve my stamina and strengthen much of my weak muscles :)
WITH lots & lots of LOVE,

1 comment:

NerIx said...

Well done, Huifen! You said you were not focused? What were the reasons? Did you try to get back the focus? How did you do that? Were you successful? Did you need encouragement and support from the others in order to get back your focus?