Sunday, November 23, 2008

andrea's reflections!

trng started off w agility ladder and skipping, 4 corners, 3 corners .strategies and then 5 on 5 (:
we covered many things tdy and i think we all learnt a lot! althought trng got a little bit tiring towards the end, we perservered alll the way!

the most important part was that c div got their jerseys and the pictures are up.

hui fen! yolenda! kimberly chow!

gladys! rebecca!(she didnt want to be alone) jocelyn!

izza! kimberly long!

part of cdiv 2009!

andrea (:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Alanna's Reflection on Wednesday, 19Nov

Drills: Strategy C, 5on5 against seniors

Everyone was kinda focus while practicing the strategy together and also tried to grasp the concept as quick as possible.However, when we were told to use the strategy to play against our seniors, most of us forgot what to do and where to run. Jiaolian also said that it would be uselesss if we can't put whatever we have learnt to use regardless of how much effort we've put in during practice. During the few matches we played, we also tried out RED. I think there is still room for improvement as there are only few interceptions done and the 2nd/3rd person must remember to run back for defence ASAP.

On the whole, training today was quite effective as we learnt a new strategy to break our opponents' zone defence and that we managed to go through RED again to refresh everyones mind

Apart from that, i feel that everyone should work on their individual skills (e.g shooting, lay-up, under-baskets, hook shots, etc)and must know their teammates stong points. In this way, the team can rise to a greater height.

All the best for the upcoming Geylang Serai and Unity Adidas matches:D


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Annabell's reflection for training on 14th november

since everyone posted on what we did during training then i'll add other things like our attitude and behaviour during play and training.

i feel that for drills we need to be more serious and most importantly i think there should be more of encouraging of each other to endure and persever .yup. We also need to have trust between each other to have a smooth play on court. I feel that the triangle passes were not very well done as the ball was not passed properly and we keep losing the ball. We also had a friendly with Kranji secondary. We're not reading the game well, but can be improved after a few more games, to analyse how the opponent defence, attacks, their strengths and their weeknesses. After understanding the opponent then we will try to cover their strengths and attack their weeknesses. Overall the play was considered not very good, as there are many areas where we can improve on. I can see the potential in our players in both c and b'div. as long as we give in our 120%, focus more in our play. we will go far for 09'(: jiayou c&b'div
we can't spell sUccess without U:):):)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Jia Ying's Reflection on Fri, 14 Nov Training

Warmups: 10 rounds around the court
Drills: Triangle, Alley, shots and layups from the Free-throw line, Faking, Red (
Friendly match against Kranji Secondary

Completing the alley for this training took a longer time, as at the last part when the ball was supposed to be shot in there were some mistakes, but in the end we overcame that problem.
We also learnt a different way to fake the opponent by pretending to pass it to someone else before doing the lay-up, which was useful.
Then we had a friendly match against Kranji Secondary. Even though we beat them, there is still room for improvement as I think most of us were unfocused or nervous about playing against outside people.
After the match we practised, and there is still room for improvement in practising, discussing and understanding the method. But overall I think we have benefited from this training greatly, so just keep it up! JIA YOU EVERYONE!

Training on the 14th November 2008

The B'Division had a friendly match at 4pm, against Kranji Sec. Although we beat them, I still think that we still have alot of room for improvement and that both our B and C Division atill lack the chemistry amongst the players.
After the match, jL went through the Red - with both batches all over again, but it wasn't all that good. So I think that we should all do our part by using more of our own free time to try and think back and then try to understand the method to doing it right and then imrpovising on it.
Other than that, I think we have all done what we should have and just keep it up! :D


Friday, November 14, 2008

Cheryl's reflection

Cheryl's reflection for training on November 12th(Wednesday)


Okay here's my reflection.

Warmups:10 rounds around the court because it was too hot outside
Drills:Agility ladder, hurdles, skipping, box2, box, triangle
And after the drills, we played 5 on 5 with the seniors.

I think the agility ladder was done too slowly because some of us weren't serious and just playing around. We should concentrate while doing our drills. JL also commented on the time we took to complete the ladder drills.
For the hurdles, we did the same thing as always. But like the ladder, there were people who weren't serious. I think when it comes to drills, we must all concentrate so that we can fully benefit from them.
Box, box2 and triangle refreshed our memories because some of us weren't too sure about some parts of it. It was good practice because there was one part where nazi and annabell planned some cut in move and in the 5 on 5, they actually did it. So this drill helped a lot.
5on5 showed us that our team was really improving. The flow is there and we're working much better together as a team. I think our fast breaks are really improving as we are able to have an outlet and cutter very smoothly and naturally. I think the past fastbreak drills that JL made us do really helped a lot.

Alright that's the end of my post (: LET'S WORK HARD AND DO EVERYONE PROUD :D

Cheryl TAN :D

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Joycelyn's Reflection Journal

Joycelyn's Reflection Journal

Traning on Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Drills: agility ladder and hurdles, skipping, 3 corners passes, 2 ball drill, fast break drills, defence drill(box 2), long start and short start layups.

Focus:improve footwork(agility ladder & hurdles), improve jumping ability
(skipping), improve passes (3 corners passes), to improve our ball handling(2 ball drill), understanding fast break and defence strategies.

For the agility ladder, I was not really sure if I was doing the steps correctly, but with the guidance of my teammates, i managed to it. For the 3 corners passes, we were a bit confused at what passes we should do but with the seniors help, we managed to do them correctly. We did the fast break drills which some of us had never tried before and hence was a bit confused. But the seniors were very encouraging and taught us the correct way of doing it and tell us when we did something wrongly.

For the defence drill, box 2, almost everyone rememebered where we should be running to at different places compared to the past few trainings when we were confused with where we should be running to. So i think that everyone had spent effort into remembering the drill.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Rebecca's Reflection Journal

Training on Friday, 31st October 2008
Drills : 2.4 km, agility ladder and hurdles, skipping (100 skips X3, double skipping), underbasket hook shot, four corners with medicine ball (chest pass and overhead pass), passes, defence strategy (red, box 2, side box), playing match with sec 2 seniors, abs training.
Focus: Improve stamina (2.4km), improve footwork (agility ladder and hurdles), improve hook shot (underbasket hook shot), strength (medicine ball), understanding different defence strategy
Training on friday was slightly different than before. We did not have the sec 3s to help us and this enables us to be more independent during training and not relying on them to show us what to do. E.g. agility ladder; usually, they would show us and we would just follow them as they do, but on friday, eveyone had to do it themselves. Most of us remembered the footwork on the agility ladder and hurdles. When we were doing the underbasket hook shot, i couldn't really do it well, but my teamates cheered me on which encouraged me further, to accomplish what i had to do, and to do it well. Also, when doing our defence strategy, i did not really understand how to do, but my teamates taught me and showed me what i had to do. Overall, i felt that this training was a success in improving my stamina and footwork, and giving me a variety of defence strategies.

Izzah's Reflection Journal

Things we did on Friday, 31st October 2008
Drills : 2.4 km, agility ladder and hurdles, 300 skips, double skipping, underbasket hoop shot, four corners with medicine ball (chest pass and overhead pass), passes, defence strategy (red, box 2, side box), playing match, abs training
Focus: Improve stamina, improve footwork, to improve our hoop shots, strength, understand the different types of defence strategy

While i was doing the 300 skips, i felt quite tired at the last 100 skips when my leg will always tangle in the ropes. it was distracting, and keep stopping to get my leg out of the ropes. in the end i managed to do it. i think i had improve a little bit on my underbasket hoop shot. at first my ball keep going straight up and not towards the basket, but my teammates cheered me on and taught me how to do it right and i was able to do it. i thinnk i need to improve more in my strength as i was doing the four corners with the medicine ball, my hands felt weak after awhile. i wasn't very focused in today's training as i kept forgetting the defence strategy and how to do it, but i will make sure that i pay more attention to it next time. we played match against the sec twos, then at last, we did abs training with the sec twos.
