Friday, November 14, 2008

Cheryl's reflection

Cheryl's reflection for training on November 12th(Wednesday)


Okay here's my reflection.

Warmups:10 rounds around the court because it was too hot outside
Drills:Agility ladder, hurdles, skipping, box2, box, triangle
And after the drills, we played 5 on 5 with the seniors.

I think the agility ladder was done too slowly because some of us weren't serious and just playing around. We should concentrate while doing our drills. JL also commented on the time we took to complete the ladder drills.
For the hurdles, we did the same thing as always. But like the ladder, there were people who weren't serious. I think when it comes to drills, we must all concentrate so that we can fully benefit from them.
Box, box2 and triangle refreshed our memories because some of us weren't too sure about some parts of it. It was good practice because there was one part where nazi and annabell planned some cut in move and in the 5 on 5, they actually did it. So this drill helped a lot.
5on5 showed us that our team was really improving. The flow is there and we're working much better together as a team. I think our fast breaks are really improving as we are able to have an outlet and cutter very smoothly and naturally. I think the past fastbreak drills that JL made us do really helped a lot.

Alright that's the end of my post (: LET'S WORK HARD AND DO EVERYONE PROUD :D

Cheryl TAN :D

1 comment:

NerIx said...

great cheryl! maybe it helps to follow what the sec 1s did, that is by writing the title" cheryl's reflection. Hmm..I noticed from today's friendly, the shots were not very much treasured. we badly need shooters who can maintain 80-90% consistency! As for concentration, a good disciplined team will get their rewards at the end of the day. So, whoever cannot concentrates, remind, remind or even reprimand if there is a need. 加油儿!