Saturday, November 1, 2008

Rebecca's Reflection Journal

Training on Friday, 31st October 2008
Drills : 2.4 km, agility ladder and hurdles, skipping (100 skips X3, double skipping), underbasket hook shot, four corners with medicine ball (chest pass and overhead pass), passes, defence strategy (red, box 2, side box), playing match with sec 2 seniors, abs training.
Focus: Improve stamina (2.4km), improve footwork (agility ladder and hurdles), improve hook shot (underbasket hook shot), strength (medicine ball), understanding different defence strategy
Training on friday was slightly different than before. We did not have the sec 3s to help us and this enables us to be more independent during training and not relying on them to show us what to do. E.g. agility ladder; usually, they would show us and we would just follow them as they do, but on friday, eveyone had to do it themselves. Most of us remembered the footwork on the agility ladder and hurdles. When we were doing the underbasket hook shot, i couldn't really do it well, but my teamates cheered me on which encouraged me further, to accomplish what i had to do, and to do it well. Also, when doing our defence strategy, i did not really understand how to do, but my teamates taught me and showed me what i had to do. Overall, i felt that this training was a success in improving my stamina and footwork, and giving me a variety of defence strategies.

1 comment:

NerIx said...

Great Rebecca! Standing on one feet is always difficult as we have no one to rely on. However, the sense of accomplishment is greater when you are able to achieve at the end of the day. Imagery skills are very important for learning new drills especially strategies. I am confident you are able to do it well in no time.