Saturday, November 15, 2008

Training on the 14th November 2008

The B'Division had a friendly match at 4pm, against Kranji Sec. Although we beat them, I still think that we still have alot of room for improvement and that both our B and C Division atill lack the chemistry amongst the players.
After the match, jL went through the Red - with both batches all over again, but it wasn't all that good. So I think that we should all do our part by using more of our own free time to try and think back and then try to understand the method to doing it right and then imrpovising on it.
Other than that, I think we have all done what we should have and just keep it up! :D


1 comment:

NerIx said...

well done athena! You mentioned about mental preparation. yeshh, it is very important and it helps to promote the bonding of the team if everyone puts in the same attitude and effort.